[MXD Networking @ SPOT 2022] Mød Lukas Menke
I ugerne op til SPOT Festival 2022 introducerer vi dig for flere af de internationale branchepersoner, som MXD har inviteret op til årets festival.
Her kan du møde:
Name: Lukas Menke
Company: Selective Artists
Title: Project Manager
Based in: Hamburg, Germany
Can you tell us a bit about the company’s history and its roster?
With the aim to provide a home for the quickly expanding roster of young national and international artists, SELECTIVE ARTISTS was set up as a division of a.s.s. concerts & promotion GmbH in 2013. Over the years, we have grown and evolved into an established brand with a steady team of thirteen employees. As a result, the spin-off SELECTIVE ARTISTS GmbH & Co KG was founded in January 2019 with Christoph Pancke and Andreas “Pese” Puscher as managing directors. Located in Hamburg and Berlin, the agency covers booking of concerts, tours, festival slots as well as corporate events. In 2019, we realized more than 350 shows in Germany and abroad. In addition, event production and communication are part of the main services of Selective Artists. The professional development of individual live strategies and a transparent communication with artists, managements and partners are the guiding principles of our work. By now, our roster covers more than 70 artists of the genres pop, independent, alternative, world and performing arts – including Tina Dico, Nicklas Sahl, Sofi Tukker, Mogli, or Tom Rosenthal.
And can you tell us a bit about the acts you personally work with at this moment?
My main focus is on the pop-cultural neoclassical music, as well as jazz & world music, which blurs up genre boundaries and opens doors for great new artists. At the moment, I work with artists such as Kaiser Quartett, Jon Gomm, Pieter De Graaf, Kai Schumacher, Andy McKee and a special collaboration between pop artist Wallis Bird & Spark – the classical band. Furthermore, I support my colleague Christoph with some acts of his Danish roster.
What was the moment you decided you wanted to work with music?
My parents took me to concerts at an early age, where already then it felt like a journey into another world. Ever since, I’ve been passionate about creating places where people can come together, share experiences, and escape from their everyday lives for a moment with music.
Which acts are you looking forward to seeing this year at SPOT?
I’m excited to see Aura and Lydmor in new, low-keyed raw versions!
Best show you’ve ever seen hands down?
A night on Tivoli’s Plænen with Medina and the Tivoli Symphony Orchestra still makes me dream.