SPOT+ er netværks- og konferencedelen af SPOT Festival – det årlige mødested for aktørerne i den danske og den internationale musikindustri. SPOT+ er produceret af Promus, MXD og SPOT Festival med det formål at skabe det perfekte mødested for professionelle inden for musikbranchen gennem en tæt tilrettelagt konference med seminarer, paneler, præsentationer og netværksmuligheder.
Radisson BLU-hotellet i Aarhus giver dig mulighed for at møde nye og gamle partnere, få ny indsigt, styrke dine forretningsforbindelser og udvide dit netværk. Og efter mere end et år, hvor vi desværre måtte undvære muligheden for at mødes på SPOT +, er vi mere begejstrede end nogensinde for igen at kunne byde velkommen til årets branche-topmøde i Aarhus.
SPOT presents new Danish and Nordic music and is a promotional platform focusing on artistic, creative and commercial development. SPOT supports newcomers as well as established artists of relevance for Danish and international labels, publishers, the music industry and other parts of the cultural industry and media.
MXD – Music Export Denmark promotes Danish rock and pop music abroad and facilitates trade between the Danish and international music industries.
Promus is the community and networking center for both the music industry and the musicians in Denmark. Located in Aarhus, our main objective is to focus on the city’s rich tradition for new music talent, but also to support, motivate, and help new businesses get a footing in the music industry of tomorrow. We see ourselves as the link between the established music industry and the new emerging talent – not only in Aarhus, but throughout the country.