[MXD Networking @ SPOT 2022] Mød Daniel Kempf
I ugerne op til SPOT Festival 2022 introducerer vi dig for flere af de internationale branchepersoner, som MXD har inviteret op til årets festival.
Her kan du møde:
Name: Daniel Kempf
Company: OWTF Entertainment
Title: Founder
Based in: Berlin, Germany
Can you tell us a bit about the company’s history and its roster?
I started as a festival promoter (Immergut Festival), started my own booking agency in 2003 (Mikrokultur) and become an artist manager in 2010. Since 2017 in run OWTF Entertainment, as an agency providing artist management, label services and consulting. I was working for acts like HUNDREDS, Touchy Mob, Missincat. 2022 i represent Chaël, June Cocó & Max Ashner.
And can you tell us a bit about the acts you personally work with at this moment?
Chaël, a very young producer and DJ from Berlin (but half Korean and half Swiss) who was recently signed by Warner Elektra France ans June Cocó, a pianist, singer and musician from Leipzig, we will release her 3rd album later this year.
What was the moment you decided you wanted to work with music?
There was no special moment. i never did anything else than being active in the music culture. and somehow it also became my job.
Which acts are you looking forward to seeing this year at SPOT?
I didn’t start to check out the line-up.
Best show you’ve ever seen hands down?
The Notwist, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, dEUS