[MXD Networking @ SPOT 2022] Mød Johannes Jacobi
I ugerne op til SPOT Festival 2022 introducerer vi dig for flere af de internationale branchepersoner, som MXD har inviteret op til årets festival.
Her kan du møde:
Name: Johannes Jacobi
Company: Höme – Für Festivals
Title: Managing Director
Based in: Berlin, Germany
Can you tell us a bit about the company’s history and its roster?
Höme is a magazine, think tank and platform for music festivals in Germany started by a group of festival organizers. We work closely with 150+ different festivals as well as reporting to 800+ festivals. Our aim is to connect organizers on our festival Network (https://network.hoemepage.com) and during our event Festival Playground (www.festivalplayground.com). We are spreading knowledge news and in depth articles on our magazine, newsletter and social media channels (b2b focus). We also develop projects and software together with 150+ festivals, to make a free festival app and fair ticketing available too small and midsize festivals.
And can you tell us a bit about the acts you personally work with at this moment?
We are booking acts for our own festivals “Festival Playground” as well as working on in-depth features with international acts such as Moderat.
What was the moment you decided you wanted to work with music?
2002 when throwing the first party.
Which acts are you looking forward to seeing this year at SPOT?
I’m am not well prepared yet, but i want to see as many as possible of all different genres.
Best show you’ve ever seen hands down?
Bon Iver – Roskilde Festival.