[MXD Networking @ SPOT 2022] Mød Tara Chopra
I ugerne op til SPOT Festival 2022 introducerer vi dig for flere af de internationale branchepersoner, som MXD har inviteret op til årets festival.
Her kan du møde:
Name: Tara Chopra
Company: Nettwerk Music
Title: A&R Manager
Based in: London, UK
Can you tell us a bit about the company’s history and its roster?
https://nettwerk.com/ also info on our co-founder: https://www.piasgroup.net/blog/we-are-in-the-business-of-monetizing-emotions/# & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_McBride_(CEO).
And can you tell us a bit about the acts you personally work with at this moment?
Alayna, Ash Lune, dee holt.
What was the moment you decided you wanted to work with music?
I started as a musician & gradually found my way into music business at the age of 21 while attending Berklee College of Music.
Which acts are you looking forward to seeing this year at SPOT?
Agnes Hartwich but I need to listen to more of the lineup.
Best show you’ve ever seen hands down?
Black by Matte events, Brooklyn Mirage events.