Concerts ought to be considered as pieces of art in and of themselves
By: Henriette Szocska // Photo: Line Svindt
Artist manager Rasmus Damsholt had invited four panelists to talk about facilitating and executing concerts. Present was singer Jenny Rossander, better known as Lydmor, drummer from Nephew, Kristian Riis, artist manager Morten Riis, and project head at Det Turkise Telt, Camilla Aneto. Each one of them has experience exploring more alternative and creative approaches to concerts.
Kristian Riis founded the now defunct Frost Festival, which held concerts around swimming pools, aquariums, and botanical gardens. He has experienced first-hand that creative locations make the concert experience more memorable for the audience as well as creating a more intimate experience for the concertgoer.
Det Turkise Telt aims to give their audience a safe space to attend concerts in. That’s why they don’t serve hard liquor. In fact, in the beginning they only served tea, which contributed to a mere calm and safe atmosphere.
“We know that we lose money by not serving hard liquor. But we’d rather create the forum we strive for,” she told the audience.
Lydmor encouraged artists to think outside the box and view their concerts as a piece of art.
“I think many people consider their albums as works of art and their concerts as a form of promotion. But the concert should be a work of art in and of itself,” Lydmor insisted.
Morten Riis added that the concert and festival platform needs a reevaluation. He encouraged the industry to move away from traditional concert setups and instead pay greater mind to artists’ wishes – for example by allowing the band to place themselves in different areas of the room.