Can food and drink be purchased at the festival?
There will be food trucks serving delicious meals and snacks as well as bars providing cold drinks – both with and without alcohol.
There will be food trucks serving delicious meals and snacks as well as bars providing cold drinks – both with and without alcohol.
Der vil være madboder med lækre retter og snacks, samt barer hvor I kan få fingrene i kolde drikkevarer, både med og uden alkohol.
This year there’ll be more than 200 concerts at SPOT.
Vi ved det ikke helt endnu – men i 2021 endte vi på omkring 200 koncerter.
In the heart of Aarhus, as always. Concerts will be held both at established venues throughout Aarhus as well as at outdoor stages – exactly as you’re used to at SPOT. When we get closer to…
I hjertet af Aarhus, som altid. Der vil være mulighed for at se koncerter på både spillesteder og udendørsscener, præcis som I kender SPOT bedst. Når vi kommer tættere på festivalen, kan du finde et kort…
Naturally, if SPOT 2022 in its entirety is cancelled, we’ll refund all tickets. If the entire festival isn’t cancelled, we only refund tickets under special circumstances. If you’re in doubt, feel free to write to us…
Hvis SPOT som helhed bliver aflyst, så refunderer vi selvfølgelig alle billetter. Vi refunderer kun under helt særlige omstændigheder billetter, hvis ikke den samlede festival bliver aflyst. Er du i tvivl, så er du altid velkommen…
This year’s ticket exchange is located in the bottom om the arcade in Aarhus Congress Center on Margrethepladsen 1, 8000 Aarhus.
Årets billetombytning foregår i bunden af arkaden i Aarhus Congress Center (tidl. Scandinavian Congress Center) på Margrethepladsen 1, 8000 Aarhus.