The Music Industry’s Network: A collective export strategy for the Danish music industry

The Music Industry’s Network: A collective export strategy for the Danish music industry

By: Max Bülow Lassen // Photo: Line Svindt

Niels Mosumgaard, director of the Music Industry’s Network, found his way to this year’s SPOT+ conference to present the trade network’s outline for a collective export strategy for the Danish music industry. The plan was created in the shadow of two recently released rapports on the Danish and European music export strategy that both call for wide-spread changes to our understanding of music as an export product.

Koncerter skal betragtes som et kunstværk i sig selv
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Koncerter skal betragtes som et kunstværk i sig selv

Ord: Henriette Szocska // Foto: Line Svindt

Artist manager Rasmus Damsholt havde inviteret fire panelister til en snak omkring facilitering og eksekvering af koncerter. Til snakken var sangerinde, Jenny Rossander, bedre kendt som Lydmor, trommeslager fra Nephew, Kristian Riis, Artist manager, Morten Riis og projektansvarlig for Det Turkise Telt, Camilla Aneto. De har hver især erfaring med at udforske mere aparte og kreative måder at afholde koncerter på.

Concerts ought to be considered as pieces of art in and of themselves

Concerts ought to be considered as pieces of art in and of themselves

By: Henriette Szocska // Photo: Line Svindt

Artist manager Rasmus Damsholt had invited four panelists to talk about facilitating and executing concerts. Present was singer Jenny Rossander, better known as Lydmor, drummer from Nephew, Kristian Riis, artist manager Morten Riis, and project head at Det Turkise Telt, Camilla Aneto. Each one of them has experience exploring more alternative and creative approaches to concerts.

Meet the Music Supervisors: Musikalsk firmadating på SPOT+
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Meet the Music Supervisors: Musikalsk firmadating på SPOT+

Ord: Max Bülow Lassen // Foto: Line Svindt

Placeringen af musik i tv-serier, film, trailere, spil og reklamer er i dag en central indtægtskilde i musikbranchen. For ottende gang har SPOT+ derfor afholdt arrangementet ”Meet the Music Supervisors”, hvor branchefolk fra nær og fjern samles til de berømte ”speed-meetings” på SPOT+. Vi maler her et billede af, hvordan dette års branche-komsammen forløb.

Meet the Music Supervisors: Musical company-dating at SPOT+

Meet the Music Supervisors: Musical company-dating at SPOT+

By: Max Bülow Lassen // Photo: Line Svindt

Today, music placement in tv-shows, films, trailers, games, advertisements, and more is a crucial source of revenue in the music industry. SPOT+ has therefore held once again held the popular event “Meet the Music Supervisors”, where industry professionals from near and far come together for SPOT+’s famous “speed meetings”.

Corona har bragt nye perspektiver på livemusikken
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Corona har bragt nye perspektiver på livemusikken

Ord: Simon Skovhus // Foto: Line Svindt

Hele verdenen er igen ved at finde kursen, efter corona pandemien slukkede for næsten alt, hvad der hedder live musik. To år med udskudte og aflyste koncerter har trods sine negative konsekvenser også givet tid til eftertanke for de, som arbejder i musikken.