[MXD Networking @ SPOT 2022] Mød Maddie Arnold
I ugerne op til SPOT Festival 2022 introducerer vi dig for flere af de internationale branchepersoner, som MXD har inviteret op til årets festival.
I ugerne op til SPOT Festival 2022 introducerer vi dig for flere af de internationale branchepersoner, som MXD har inviteret op til årets festival.
I ugerne op til SPOT Festival 2022 introducerer vi dig for flere af de internationale branchepersoner, som MXD har inviteret op til årets festival.
I ugerne op til SPOT Festival 2022 introducerer vi dig for flere af de internationale branchepersoner, som MXD har inviteret op til årets festival.
Once again this year, City SPOT will paint the town with colours from the entire musical palette during the festival.
SPOT introducerede Nordic Beats for første gang i 2019 med hensigten at give lidt mere sceneplads til den sprudlende nordiske urban og hiphop scene, der så ofte negligeres. Konceptet tager en håndfuld upcoming navne og lader dem skiftevis indtage scenen. Igen i år foregår det på Radar nede på Godsbanen, som i to timer forvandles til nordens mest brandvarme heksekedel af tunge beats og bass og bidende stærk lyrik. Årets udgave af Nordic Beats præsenteres i samarbejde med det toneangivende Dråben Podcast, hvor gutterne bag den danske hiphop-podcast – Loui Bosch-Fellah og Emil Lilleeidet Seest – vil fungere som værter for festen.
SPOT introduced Nordic Beats for the first time in 2019 with the intent of giving a little more room on the stage to the growing Nordic urban and hip hop scene that is so often neglected. The concept takes a handful of upcoming acts and allows them one by one to take the stage. Again this year, the event will unfold at the venue Radar which for two hours will be transformed into the North’s hottest concentration of heavy beats and strong lyricism. This year’s edition of Nordic Beats is presented in collaboration with the trendsetting hip hop podcast Dråben, with Loui Bosch-Fellah og Emil Lilleeidet Seest of Dråben acting as hosts for the evening.
Igen i år maler City SPOT byen med farver fra hele den musikalske palette under festivalen.
SPOT Festival is getting closer and closer and today we’re ready to throw an absolute jawbreaker of an announcement at you with 10 exceptionally great additions to this year’s lineup. Today’s acts include rap-royalty from the top of the Danish music scene, familiar names in new, alternative formats, as well as upcoming artists that are marching ahead with supersonic speed.
We’re once again ready to present a slew of new and exciting artists for this year’s SPOT Festival. Today we’re announcing no less than 11 great acts. Experimenting pop? Sure. Folk from Jutland? Of course. Faroese provocative punk? Always. True to tradition, there’s certainly something for everyone at SPOT 2022.
Calling all metalheads!
This year’s SPOT Metal line-up has been finalised, and it’ll be heavy, hard-hitting and maybe a little hot on the 7th of May when metal music is allowed to takeover the venue TRAIN.